
No hair-pulling on the playground!

I'm so glad I got a good long weekend before having to face this morning. I hate hate HATE it when people get pissed off for being asked a question that legitimately pertains to THEIR JOB. I do my job, and I answer questions about it all damn day, and I do it with a smile on my face because that's just part of it. Somebody's getting a Valium and Ecstacy cocktail for lunch. My treat.

Really, though, this is nothing compared to the frustration I experienced last week in the process of trying to get a car title transferred. It went a little something like this.

Day 1 - Went to courthouse toting title. Waited in line. Lady examined my title and showed me that the date of sale on the back had been "written over in error". This is a term I would later become very familiar with. Lady filled out an affadavit for me to get signed and notarized.

Day 2 - Went to seller's home to get his signature. He wasn't home. Left affadavit for him to sign.

Day 3 - Went to seller's home to pick up signed affadavit attesting to date of sale. Resident notary was already gone for the day.

Day 4 - Asked notary to please work her mojo on the magic paper. Affadavit was returned with the date of notarization "written over in error". Yeah, that's right. Called courthouse to confirm my suspicion that no, that would not fly.

Day 5 - Returned to courthouse for a new magic paper. Waited in line. Took paper back to seller's home, where he of course, was not. Waited around for him to get back from playing golf and got him to sign again. Got it notarized again, noting to please be careful about the date.

Day 6 - Returned to courthouse. Waited in line. Magic paper was examined and I was told that the notary notarized the wrong signature. Ha. Hahaha. Lady gave me a new paper, laughed, and commented that the third time's a charm. Indeed. Got seller to meet me and the notary so this could all get taken care of at once. Returned to courthouse later the same day. Waited in line. Lady examined magic paper, heaved a sigh of relief, and asked for $18.

Just after that, I got to wait in an even longer line to get my tag. It looked like a roller coaster line, except without the TVs that play cartoons and Six Flags commercials on a loop. That was just one of those things that wasn't really anyone's fault...well, actually it was about three people's fault, including mine. But it just makes you sit back and wonder when life got so amazingly more complicated than it was ever supposed to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen, and amen.