
Bad Day

Every day that I have to deal with a customer complaint in person is a bad day. The LizBot is not properly wired for confrontation.

You would think people would be meaner on the phone than they are in person, what with the whole you-can't-hit-me-because-I'm-20-miles-away factor. I've found the opposite to be true. They act all nice and understanding to lure you to their property, where they can spew curses at you and threaten to cancel their service, which you secretly REALLY want them to do.

Sometimes, of course, they're justified in being unhappy. But apparently today was National Irrational Behavior Day, or maybe Bitch At The Hired Help Day, or Confuse The Nice Innocent Service Provider With Baseless Complaints When She Can See Perfectly Well That Nothing Is Wrong Day. Whatever. Footwear gets a holiday. I wouldn't be surprised. I just wish it were like April Fools or Candid Camera, where they tell you at the end that it's all a big fat joke and we can be happy again.

I hate people. No I don't. Yes I do.

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