
The Power of Song

I was getting waxy-eyed at work, so sometimes when that happens I pull out a CD to help me snap out of it. Today, I looked through everything I had and didn't want to listen to any of it. Then I found this Lori Chaffer CD that I haven't listened to in at least a year.

For those of you who don't know, Lori Chaffer and her husband Don front the band Waterdeep, which is my favorite band in such the way that I didn't know what a "favorite band" was before I heard them. For this reason, I consider it mildly dangerous to listen to their music (including solo albums). Almost every song they've ever produced has integrated itself into my DNA and has the ability to recall specific moments, emotions, thoughts, or events. Most of these life snippets, oddly enough, are painful. That's part of what made them my favorite band. They console the inconsolable. And that's part of what makes me afraid to put them in the disc changer. I never know what I'll remember.

Today, I remembered my contemplative commutes to school to the tune of "Make No Protest", and "You Can Sing" almost brought me to tears like it used to at a time when I was worried about some people I loved. All in all, it could've been worse. God forbid, it could've been Sink or Swim.


LBC said...

Man, I had such a similar post yesterday. But this entry wasn't live yet, cause, dutifully, I checked your blog in the morning. Was it sleeping in the "save as draft" folder? Cause I so would have linked it.

Sink or Swim and Live at the New Earth are me driving to Jacksonville. Rarely was that drive painful, but when it was, it was Delirious Live and in the Can.

Old Stuff I don't own, so that's always us in the dorm, cause it was your cd.

You Were at the Time for Love is in the den at my parents' house.

Enter the Worship Circle is everywhere.

1beginning is driving home from New Orleans while Kris sleeps in the car.

But the worship album, that one I rarely listen to. Like the Violet Burning, it was there when I needed it, but just hurts a little to go back to. A hurts-so-good, but still, hurt, y'know?

woodlayson said...

Yeah, that post collected dust for a week before I wrapped it up. I hadn't read yours yet and when I did, I thought maybe my post had jogged your memory. But pure coincidence is always cooler.