
Diversionary Tactics

Reading: A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis
I know the title sounds like oodles of fun, but don't be deceived. This is not the kind of book that you just pick up and read because you're bored...like I did. I found this one during a routine raid of my dad's bookcase. I thought it was just one of Lewis's essays, but it turned out to be his published journals from the days and weeks immediately following his wife's death. It's a characteristically insightful read, but I recommend mental preparation.

Listening to: Garden State soundtrack
I think I'll submit a suggestion to Merriam-Webster that they redefine mellow as "an adjective describing the experience of listening to Coldplay, Colin Hay, Nick Drake, and Simon & Garfunkel in rapid succession". I go from the Black Eyed Peas straight to this. My musical tastes strike me as not so much well-rounded as schizophrenic.

Watching: Firefly
It's coming on Sci-Fi now and I'm trying to resist the temptation to rent the whole season. I'm doing my penance for not being a faithful enough Whedon fan by resolving to watch them one at a time, on television, with commercials, one week apart. That way I get to share in some of the experience of those who were there for it the first time around. I'll probably break down and rent it in September when the movie comes out, but just because I'll have to have seen all the episodes before I watch the movie.

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