
The old man can NOT be sleeping through this.

Chris had to work yesterday during our Wet'n'Wild Independence Day extravaganza over at Jaimie's parents' house. So we decided to celebrate the 5th of July today. Naturally, today is the day Tropical Storm YourNameHere decided to catch up with us. West is walking in now with a bag of fireworks. Lose some, lose some.

Damn you, weather! If you don't think I'm going to enjoy our pattie melts ALL THE MORE, you've got another thing coming.


Cookie said...

Liz blogged twice in a row really fast!


I just read Jaimie's blog about her NeverEnding Story dream, and I don't know if you REALLY don't know what he yells at the end of the movie..

But it's "Moonchild"

woodlayson said...

Wow, are you serious? Really? Are you sure? Because now I don't think I ever really wanted to know.

Take it back, please.


Cookie said...

I take it back! I'm sorry....

But for years I've known, and now when I watch it I always say the same thing...

Your mom's name was Moonchild? Like, really? And your dad is all upset cause you're drawing unicorns on your math homework? What does he expect from Moonchild's son? And why would he be so upset about unicorn drawings when HE MARRIED SOMEONE NAMED MOONCHILD THAT IS OBVIOUSLY A FLAKE AND A HIPPIE.

Holy Shinolie I know way too much about this movie.

Anonymous said...

dammit cookie, you're right! now i hate it EVEN MORE! i wish i could go back in time and NOT watch it when i was young so that i wouldn't care about this topic RIGHT NOW. but? right now? i am filled with betrayal and hate. at this point i am INCONSOLABLE. don't even TRY to reason with me. i hate the boy. i hate the horse. i hate the flying dog. i hate the nothing. i hate? the old turtle what sneezes 'cos he's allergic to...whatever the hell.

LBC said...

Nope, I'm sorry, Moonchild does not compute. I reject it. Nope. The name is still a mystery.

Cookie, did you read the book? Is that where Moonchild is from?

Cookie said...

Yes, I did read the book, but that's not where I got that. I didn't get that far into the book, cause the book is actually like the first AND second movie... and also I read it in 7th grade, and I'm old now.

I got it from watching it a million times. It sounds like he says Moonchild, but I thought that could not POSSIBLY be it. So I think I checked the subtitles or looked it up one day years ago.

However, when Liz asked me if I was *sure* I thought "Wow, am I?, What if I'm wrong?" So I ventured over to the IMDB and checked under the memorable quotes...

And yup.


Hey... at least it ain't Moonchylde. Right? Who's with me?

Anonymous said...

NO! nonononononononooo!
frickin' moonchild!

LBC said...

I think Jaimie's pulling a Bruce Banner on us.

Liz, sing it with me:
"Hello Moonchild, please learn this from me - I'm afraid your parents know not how to be..."