
Take a pill, Jaimes

Hey, all you Northeast Alabamians, how 'bout that big scary hurricane yesterday. Whoo! Cancel school! Close the roads! Call in the Red Cross! We're all gonna DIHEEEEEE!

Performance anxiety, maybe?

This has been a landmark week. The landmark is a sun-baked pile of shit, but I guess you don't really get to choose.

My rantings today (and they would be rantings) would tend to focus on a turn of events that I'm not sure how much liberty I have to discuss. Since this particular development is the only damn thing I can think about at the moment (and ooooh if you knew you would be SO MAD), I continue to be at a loss for words. Just pray I don't go renegade and assassinate a public figure. While you're at it, pray that somebody else does. Hee.


Anonymous said...

she did it again, laura.

LBC said...

i told you, man. i think she gets off on it.

lizzabeth, if you MUST post things that you cannot say what they are really about, you are HONOR-BOUND to then e-mail me and jaimie and tell us the dealio.

HONOR-BOUND, my friend.

woodlayson said...

But then you guys wouldn't get all scrunchy-nosed. What fun would that be?

LBC said...

it's really more eye-rolly than nose-scrunchy

woodlayson said...

Oh fine. Check your emails.