
Monkey Day

I have a new toy. It is a mouse that has no wire, and it has a pretty red light on the bottom that you're not suppposed to look directly at, but you do anyway because it's so pretty. I am having fun with my new toy.

But that's neither here nor there. I have an occupational time management technique I'd like to try out. Maybe some of you will find it helpful as well. I call it Monkey Day.

Okay, you know that client you have to call sometime in the next few days and he's a jerk and you're dreading it? He's a monkey. And you need to vacuum the floor of your office but you'll have to change the filter on the vacuum and you've got more important things to do but you can't stop thinking about your floor and how it needs to be vacuumed? Monkey. Those scenarios are office-oriented, because I work in an office, but most everybody has monkeys. They're not urgent, but they do have to be done eventually, and you feel a little queasy every time you think about it. Maybe for a painter it would be ceilings. I don't know. Jaimie, is it ceilings?

Anyway, today I got tired of feeling sick about the things I didn't want to do. So I did them. All of them, all at once. And now I feel so much better. So I think that once a week, I'll have a Monkey Day. I'm thinking of making mine Friday, because Fridays are a little more relaxed and I'm usually in a better mood, and because that'll give me a fresh start the next week so maybe Monday won't suck so much ass. No Monkey Mondays! Yay!

I hypothesize that two good things will come of this:
1. My backlogged projects won't pile up so high, so that even on the days that I have to deal with unpleasant tasks, there won't be so many of them.
2. I'll spend far less time worrying about things that aren't getting done, because I know exactly when they will get done. As a result, I'm not constantly beating myself up about getting them done now.

I hope this experiment works out to my benefit, but I'd also be curious as to whether it has broader applications. So if you're having monkey trouble, try it out and let me know how it goes. If it works well, I'll write a book and give you all a cut of the profits.


Anonymous said...

Dude I clicked to make a comment and sing a George Michael song to you and got some crazy abortion lady! What is THAT ABOUT?!

That's awesome!! In the sense that it's not awesome at all. That lady is such a monkey.

Why can't you do it, why can't you set this monkey free, always giving in to it, do you love the monkey or do you love me?

There, now I feel better.


Anonymous said...

holy crap, liz. you're getting spam in your comments section? YOU ARE FAMOUS!
pressure-washing and ceilings would be monkeys for sure.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it helps anyone's cause to spam people? I hate spam and to have someone spam me is a mark against their message. I believe la bona needs to be aborted from the Internet because she is apparently emotionally too immature to use the Internet. To abort her would be a NECESSARY EVIL. Here's my reply la bona...I firmly believe that people ought to use their right to choose before they spread their legs. Furthermore, no one is being robbed...it's about being responsible for your mistakes. They ought to think about their future before they get carried away and have to make some innocent little kid die for their poor choice. Give me a break.

woodlayson said...

Apparently, I have arrived.

LaBona: Thanks for reading. You're the first person I've heard from that I don't know personally, even if you are a, shall we say, "volume commentator". I respectfully decline your invitation to air my views on this topic, simply because I do not want to expose myself or my blog to too much of this kind of discourse. Moral, ethical, and political discourse is of course a wonderful and necessary thing, but it is not why I started my personal blog and I do not, at present, wish to "go there". I'll let you know if I change my mind.

Anonymous said...

Gee that was nice Liz.

I say ABORT HER ABORT HER ABORT HER from the Internet. Now where the heck did I put my vacuum cleaner.

Anonymous said...

hee, liz. you are so diplomatic.

Anonymous said...

Hi there " woodlayson " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)