
Things That Shall Come to Pass Because I Will It So

1. I will continue to go to the Y at least three times a week.

2. Chris and I will finish Laura's birthday CD, regardless of the fact that her birthday was two months ago and counting.

3. Duplex renovations will be completed.

4. We will purchase a brand new car which will get excellent gas mileage and last for 20 years with minimal upset.

5. I will be as funny as Cookie when I talk about my awful neighbors (not you, Kelly).

6. I will someday not have crackhead neighbors (not you, Kelly).

7. When I think about going to the afternoon service next Sunday, I will not be contentedly curled up in blankets on the couch in the middle of a SciFi original movie.

8. I will stop rotting my brain by watching SciFi original movies (but they're so funny).

9. I will remember to take the suit Nibbler peed on to the dry cleaner.

10. I will make time to visit my grandparents more often, while I still can.

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