
Okay, thanks. You can go now.

I remember way back a couple of weeks ago when I thought, "It sure hasn't rained very much lately. I wish it would." Because I like the rain. I like it so much that when it began to fall again, I was happy about it for the first three days or so.

But now it's getting old.

What is this? Day 5? And no end in sight, apparently. I think it's starting to wear on me. It's just dark all the time, even when it's not pouring. And people change in the dark. They get moody and reclusive and depressed. Not that I'm particularly moody or depressed, but I have noticed that I really don't want to be bothered and when the phone rings, I take it as a personal affront.

On the dreary, rainy day that was yesterday, a nurse came and stuck me with needles. Twice. It hurt a little, but I was a big girl. She stuck Chris too, but only once. She took two vials each of our blood, and then she just walked off, like she wasn't going to give it back. "Hey!" I said. "I thought you just wanted to look at it!" And she cackled and sped off and probably found a dark alley to park in while she did shots with MY blood. Damn vampire nurses. They normally only come out at night, but she could come out in the daytime because of the stupid clouds.

That didn't really happen. But a nurse really did come and steal blood. And pee. And she really did have to stick me twice. So really it's just the second part that I made up. And the part about her being a vampire I can neither confirm nor deny, but I always thought vampires would be mean, and she was pretty nice.

She was really there to make sure Chris and I were healthy because we're taking out life insurance policies on each other. So as soon as that stuff gets processed, we will officially be worth way more to each other dead than alive.

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