
Ringing in the New Year

Better late than never.

My good friend LBC compiled a list (with a little help from her friends) of year-end review questions for all our blogger friends. I was not, then, a blogger. Now, I am.

I freaked out the most [last] year when: I had to work for the Devil. Or, when I quit working for the Devil, if you need an isolated incident. I worked for He Who Shall Not Be Named for 50,000 years. Actually, it was probably closer to five months. I didn't know he was the Devil, which is probably the only reason I still have my soul (although it has been widely debated that my soul is currently residing with an underground boxing champion in Laos).

Best TV show I discovered [last] year: Law & Order SVU. I didn't watch very much TV last year. When I did, it was Law & Order, or some incarnation* thereof. I actually like the original better, but I didn't discover it this year, so it gets booted on a technicality. Runners up were Good Eats with Alton Brown (why is he so funny?) and the nun show, which I actually only saw once when Jaimie called me from next door and told me to turn it on. I told you I didn't watch much TV.

Favorite book I read [last] year: was not Laura's favorite book. I don't want to talk about it.
Runner-up was the Sandman series. Again, for the first time.

Favorite movie: Kill Bill Vol. 2

Biggest cinematic letdown: Guys, my hopes just don't get that high anymore. Ooh, ooh, I know, Cabin Fever! Are your expectations low? No, no, lower. Lower than that. C'mon, you can do better than that. Fine, just watch it and fall the rest of the way.

The earth spun backwards: When I interviewed for, and very nearly got, a job that required hosting a weekly radio show.

The earth righted itself on its axis: When previous occupant of said job came back on hands and knees. I was this close.

Things I am most pleased to have done [last] year: getting married; moving into the Commu...er, Dreamplex (hee, remember when it was the Shitplex?); quitting my job

The thing that changed most about me [last] year: See above. If you just want one, I'll go with my marital status. It just now really hit me what a landmark year it's been. But I'm still surrounded by the same close group of friends, family, fleegans, and chloroplasts. Not much has really changed.

Why 2004 should burn in hell: For what it did to the Cakeholes' bank account, CZ's morale, the Magoos' patience, FA's whereabouts, and Jaimie's gall bladder. Shame on you, 2004. Shame.

Bodily organ I'd rather have removed than live through [last] year again: Y'know, I had some great times in 2004, and for me personally, all things considered, it was a good year. Still wouldn't do it again. I'll say kidneys.

Regrets: Being too busy for The Created; having red wine in my hand in the wrong place, at the wrong time, around the wrong boisterous child, at my wedding (certain family members considered it the merciful vengeance of God, I'm sure).

*But not Criminal Intent. Never that!

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