
The fertile season

Laura's birthday is today. Happy birthday, Laura! Jaimie got her something orange, I know not what. I have, as yet, not gotten her anything. This is not, as one may suppose, entirely due to the fact that I am a thoughtless whore, true though it may be. It also has to do with a financial brain fart I am suffering the consequences of at the moment. I thought about making her something out of hemp, but I think she's probably too chic-looking for that now.

I don't know how it is elsewhere, but down here it seems that March and April (with spillover from late February and early May) are home to the birthdays of 90% of my friends, relatives, acquaintances, and random passers-by I have met in the span of my life. I realize that I could probably make a decent living as a fortune-teller.

"Let me see your hand, dearie. Mmm, yes, you look like an Aries."

I've never had this phenomenon explained to my satisfaction. Most say that it makes perfect sense, spring being the time for love and all. But if the babies are being born in the springtime, methinks the love-making would had to have gone on in mid-summer.

Jaimie was born in October. She's weird. We don't play with her.


Anonymous said...

Actually, since a normal human pregnancy lasts 9 months, and our years are 12 months long, you just count back 3 months to find the time of love. For March-April birthdays, that would be December-January. Mid-winter, when there is nothing else to do. Yippeee!

woodlayson said...

Wait a minute...wouldn't that be a 15-month pregnancy? Oh I'm so confused. Ooh, ooh, you're right...except wouldn't you count forward three months? Yeesh, somebody help me count, please.

Anonymous said...

What? No way, Jose. If you get preggers in December, that baby ain't due till August. If you get it on in August, the baby carriage rolls around in April. (Still, I had to write this all down and finger-count to be sure. Art math it's not.)

Ha ha, I am SO CHIC right now! I have on pointy shoes! My first pair. (Well, actually, I'm sitting indian-style and the shoes be under the desk, but they're there!) Make me a bootleg copy of a cd you own that I don't. Free for you, free for me!

I'm excited that Blogger has changed the posting apparatus, and it seems I will be able to comment.

- Yesterday's Birthday Girl

woodlayson said...

Right. So I'm right. Right?

A CD you don't have? I think the only ones I have that you wouldn't are Tool and various forms of hippie rock. Actually, Kris probably has Tool. Hmm. Phish is good driving music.

LBC said...

Kris and I were watching some band on PBS, and as it went on and on (like over 7 minutes, and we'd not caught the beginning of the song), I felt sure it was Phish. Infernal jam bands! The dude looked like, um, Mr. Anastasio or whatever his Scandrock name is.

woodlayson said...

Yep, that was him. I think it was his solo stuff though (which sounds a lot like his, um, other stuff). We saw the same one.