
Workin' girl

So I don't exactly fall into the executive pay scale. So what. I've got business cards now. That's right. And a Rolodex. BOOYAH!

God has been playing little games with me all week. And I don't mean that in a "messing with my mind" sort of way. I mean in a very jovial, good-natured way that has me thanking him and wondering at the same time, "Are you making fun of me?"

For instance, I was thanking God on my way to work from school on Wednesday, because I had just taken a test that I hadn't had much time to study for and the professor had decided out of the blue that we could use our books. I was commenting to God about how it's little things like that that make a person really feel loved.

As I was saying this, I noticed the needle on my car's temperature gauge creeping up ever so slowly. I'd had car trouble the day before that my dad had diagnosed as a coolant problem, and he had instructed me to buy some on my way home that night. I forgot. So here I was, trying to make it to work, about to be sabotaged by my own flakiness. So I laugh and continue, "...although, I've noticed how you don't tend to save me from my own negligence."

I'd just finished that sentence when I glanced back down at the needle, just in time to see it fall to the normal level. That God, he can be a real softy sometimes.

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