
Woodlayson's Word of the Week

Word of the Week brought to you by pickle.

sesquipedality: n. use of long words

It always amuses me when the definition of a word is shorter than the word itself. Thanks, Jaimie, for the archetypical Word of the Week. Guys, you should definitely practice this word in sentences, but first I would recommend practicing its pronunciation with the aid of a mirror.

This word is apparently so rare that you actually have to pay Merriam-Webster to disclose its meaning. I had to find the definition by other, less scrupulous means. I can only assume that six ("sesqui") is the magic number of syllables that determines a really long word. So Part Two of your assignment this week is to list all the six-syllable words you know. Divide this by 50 to determine your "sesquipedality index". And yes, 50 is a round yet random number that I determined using no objective criteria whatsoever. My blog. My rules.

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