
Merry Christmas to all

This is the first Christmas I think I've ever had to recover from. You may think that strange, because from what I hear, most people need about a week of bed rest and warm liquids after the holidays. But all I can say is that I've had a lovely, extended childhood wherein every Christmas has been a magical wonderland of bliss, fun, togetherness, and spoils. Until now. So happy birthday to me, I'm finally a grown-up who can give the holiday season the respectful dread it deserves.

Nevertheless, it was a good Christmas. I'll always look forward to family events because I get to see my out-of-town cousins, who were my best friends growing up and with whom I have miraculously managed to remain very close, despite the fact that until recently, they lived six hours away. We're all a shameless bunch of overachievers and as such, we're always busy. But the one thing there is always time for -- or else -- is a family gathering.

Total Christmas events attended in the span of two days: 7

Total number of iPods distributed: 3

Total number of diamonds I received from my husband who knows I don't like diamonds but somehow knew there was enough of a girl inside me screaming to get out that I'd like these: 7

Total last-minute visits to Walmart: 4 (5 if you count the time we had to go back for something after walking all the way back to the car, which, if you've ever been to the East Gadsden SuperWalmart on Christmas Eve Eve, you'll know is a long walk indeed)