

Before I get to the meat, I have to tell you what just happened. I already wrote this post once before and I lost it. That's not funny, but how I lost it is a little funny. See, I got this new mouse that's wireless and has the cool red light under it and it's ball-less. Completely emasculated. I call it my fe-mouse. Anyway. It has this neat feature where on the side where your thumb goes, there's two more buttons. You can program them to do pretty much anything (like function keys, right?) but as a default, they serve as Forward and Back browser buttons. So earlier, I was typing out my little blog entry of glee and I pressed the "Publish" button. And while it was thinking about whether or not it would do what I told it to, I was remembering that I'd forgotten to copy my entry to clipboard so that, in case Blogger decided in its infinite wisdom to trash my post rather than publish it, I'd have a backup. So I was highlighting my whole post and getting ready to click Ctrl+C when I bumped my mouse hand on the side of the keyboard and accidentally pressed the back button.


Isn't it just like us self-destructive humans to cause ourselves precisely the kind of pain we are trying to avoid?

Following is Attempt #2 to convey the good news I so wanted you all to know hours ago:

My husband is now what we in the Mafia like to call a "made man". Is he untouchable on the hard streets of downtown Gadsdonia? Well, no. But he now has a thing that we in the Mafia like to call "job security". He now has access to Mafia priveleges like "health insurance" and a "cafeteria plan".

That's right, ladies and gents, the boy is full-time. There should be a parade. Really. Set that up. DON'T STAND THERE AND LOOK AT ME LIKE A DUMBASS. GET IT DONE! I'll cut you.

He was up for this very job about a month ago, but he got passed over initially for reasons we could only guess. They were pretty good guesses, but guesses nonetheless. Now, as the result of an unpredictable chain of events (and what must've been some damn fine prayin'), that door was reopened and credit given where it was due. Chris was officially congratulated this morning and, after filling out some paperwork, he'll step into his new position on Friday. The only downside is the four-month overlap after his 40-hour weeks kick in and before he graduates from culinary school. That should be interesting, in a mortalizing, ass-kicking kind of way. So thank you all who knew about this situation and prayed for us, or who didn't know and prayed for us. I'll return the favor.


Anonymous said...

yay! finally! yay! that's so awesome!
and, i totally have the same fe-mouse and i HATE the side buttons! they screw me over SO MUCH.

LBC said...

Yay! Liz, I was gonna e-mail you yesterday afternoon and say "hey, Kris was home when Chris got home and he told and yaaaayyy!" and right about then the ubercramps kicked in and I went home.

My Mac has a ball-less mouse, but no side buttons. Sometimes, the Mac wins.

woodlayson said...

Well, I actually special-ordered the mouse. I wanted a wireless one because I was so sick of tugging at the damn cord. Why are all mouse cords 2 inches long? Anyway, I saw the ones with buttons and actually thought, "That's neat!" I mean, how long have I worked with computers? I should've been able to foresee that one.

Chris told me he told Kris, so actually he was first to know. Well, technically Chris told me about the meeting until Friday, but I refused to believe it would happen until he called and told me it had.

Cookie said...

Congratulations, Liz & Chris! Yay, Woodlaysons!

Liz.. insurance! You're totally adult now and stuff! Hee!

I have a PC and a fe-mouse but no side click-y button things. I'm way good with the techno-speak, yes?