
Know Thyself. Check. Then what?

The Cakeholes are having their first meeting thingy tonight (it is tonight, isn't it?). I think I'll go. I'm feeling all sorry for myself today because I've got 48 things to do at work and I haven't seen my friends all week. It's no way to live.

School starts back on Tuesday. At varying intervals, I am either excited about starting back (oh how I love the schooling), freaked out about it (more exhaustion, less free time, if that's possible), or both. I'm sittin' on "both" at the moment.

You'll be happy to know that the chiropractor said I could go back to the gym. You'll be sad to know that I haven't actually been back yet (except for yoga class...you'd think that as semi-diligent I am about going, I'd be able to stand on one foot for any meaningful length of time by now). I told her she was screwing with my life. I told her that if I got out of the habit, it would be like falling halfway down Kilaminjaro and having to decide whether to start back up or just slide the rest of the way down. I never choose the path of least resistance. But if I stand there thinking long enough, it will generally choose me. Did she listen? No.

I know these things about myself. I consider it a personality flaw, one that comes with a package that also contains some very good traits I wouldn't exchange for the world. But at this stage in life, when I long to be proactive and have many things to be proactive about, I can't seem to force this out of myself. Are some people engineered or predisposed to be along for the ride? I'd refuse to accept that if I were more assertive. Hee. Get it? Oh, nevermind.

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