
Tonight on ER

Two relatives of mine went to the emergency room yesterday, in two completely separate, dangerously serious, incidents.

My cousin-in-law had a head-on collision with a kid who was apparently still new to traffic laws. He broke three ribs and tore up his knee, but the doctors say he'll be okay. The kid came out without a scratch, but I think he would've preferred it the other way around.

For a few days, my uncle has had some sort of bite on his forehead that was starting to look like it came from something with venom. He wasn't going to go to the doctor, but I guess he woke up yesterday and decided it was bad enough to get checked out. The doc prescribed him an antibiotic. Within minutes of taking it, he started experiencing hearing loss and difficulty breathing. I don't know how bad it was, but it was bad enough to haul him to the ER in an ambulance. Doesn't that just figure. He's okay too, but I doubt he'll seek medical attention next time.

Our family was being watched over yesterday.

On a lighter note, the rest of the day was nice and peaceful. Chris and I got to sit down for about the first time since we got back. We watched Part 2 of the Battlestar Galactica episode that left us hanging before we left (the cruise got off to a pretty bad start when I found we didn't get Sci-Fi in our cabin). I took a long, hot shower, to my great relief, and yours also, I'm sure. Despite the craziness, it's good to be home.

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