
Officer Doof

Is it illegal to direct a display of road rage toward an agent of the law?

This morning on my way to class, I was in a left turn lane behind a SherrifMobile. We got a turn signal and the guy just sat there. I couldn't tell if he was on the phone or eating breakfast or whatever because his windows were tinted darker than civilian windows are allowed to be tinted. So I started to creep up on him but I was hesitant. What do you do when a law dog is being an idiot driver? I realized I've never confronted that situation before. Usually what I'll do is creep up, just so the person in front of me will register the motion and snap out of it. That's my version of a polite reminder. Then if that doesn't work, I'll flash my lights or honk my horn as a last resort. I hate honking at people in the morning because I know it'll put them in a bad mood. And I don't want that. I just want them to get out of my way.

None of those tactics, however, seemed appropriate in light of the fact that this particular idiot driver could strip search me if he felt so inclined. I decided to go ahead with the creeping but it did no good whatsoever. He sat through the whole damn turn signal. At this point, I was wondering if he was doing something "official", something that simple minds like mine wouldn't understand. But when the next signal rolled around, he turned with the easy confidence of a man who had no clue he'd been blocking traffic for the last ten minutes.

He turned into the grocery store and I glared at him as I passed. Take that!


LBC said...

Oh, I was full of some road rage this morning. The streets I use to get to work are all blocked off for a VETERANS DAY PARADE when in fact Veterans' Day is NEXT WEEK. All these old people were in my way, turning slow, blocking intersections and I'm weaving down all the roads trying to cross Broad. Feh, I say!

Anonymous said...

to be completely honest, the last two days i've been the idiot driver that people hate. i don't know what has happened. i'm scared to drive now! i was in the wrong lane TWICE yesterday. then? THEN? i was in the left turn lane on 12th street, and the high school let out and I COULDN'T TURN COS THERE'S NO ARROW AND OH MY GOD I'M SORRY 50 CARS BEHIND ME COS I CAN'T JUMP OUT IN FRONT OF OTHER CARS IN MY NEW JEEP OKAY?! and i don't EVEN want to tell you what i did in laura's driveway.

LBC said...

Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Blog, who neeeerly put the Jeep in park...

woodlayson said...

In LAURA'S driveway?!? Dear God, is anyone hurt?

Anonymous said...

just my pride, just...my...pride.
i hadn't even been drinking!
gah. owahtahgoosiam.