
Movie Sign

If you missed the TV movie event of the millenium, it's gone forever. Well, until next weekend probably.

Kris and Laura and Jimmy and Jaimie came over last night to watch Part II of Category 7: The End of the World over beer and Chinese. We laughed at it and had fun times, so thanks for that, CBS. But I have a question. Has there been a sudden upchuck, er, upsurge of silly not-so-small-budget TV movies in the last couple years or am I just now noticing? And also, not to spoil the movie for you or anything, but the world totally didn't end. Yeah, that spoiled it for you, didn't it? Good. I'll only charge you $50 for each hour of your life I just saved you.

I'm wondering if CBS, Sci-Fi, and other perpetrators of the TV movie phenomenon could just take whatever money they had set aside for that next blockbuster and give it to, um, the poor, or something. I mean, it won't turn a profit, but it'll be tax-deductible. And all you rich execs will feel warm fuzzy sensations.

Also, was anybody else horrified by that last scene with Dennis Quaid and Shannon Doherty?


LBC said...

My question is: do they set out to make such a bad movie? I mean, is that part of the premise? Suck sells?

Cause I gotta figure it takes work to make a movie so bad.

Anonymous said...

liz! i talked to LBC on the ohne today and asked, "did randy quaid and shannen doherty really kiss in that movie last night?" and she said, "that's the same thing liz asked!" and so HAHAHAHAHAAAA! EWWWW! I KNOW! i keep thinking about it all day. like, will they do it? will it be a one night stand? was it a "heat of the moment"/adreneline thing? can that relationship last? will they have children in the sequel?


Kurt said...

They're in love in real life too!

Anonymous said...

are you serious?
is this a hoax?

wow. i hope they're in love and get married and live together FOREVER! like paul newman and joann woodward.

woodlayson said...

I....didn't want to know that.