
Proving my Love

I just gave my bird a shot. An injection. I don't think anything more need be said, but I'm going to anyway because I feel equal parts proud and kinda stupid, and I need to share that.

Casper has been sick. I will NOT go into the details here, because I'd have no way to undo the mental picture it would burn into your brain. I'll simply tell you that his illness has transformed us somehow into those crazy "animal people." The ones who take their pets to specialists in Birmingham and pay for invasive (read: expensive) surgery. He had to stay at the animal hospital (yes, animal hospital, not vet's office, nonononono...) for four days. On Thursday, the doctor called and said he thought it would help if we'd visit him. Visit. Him. In Birmingham.

So we did.

How can I explain this to you? I feel like my body chemistry has been altered in some way. I drove an hour-and-a-half to VISIT A BIRD. And then, and then, the very next day? West and I drove through a thunderstorm, tornado sirens wailing, to pick him up and bring him home. I mean, what the hell has happened to me? I don't even like him that much...unless you count that secretly I do.

I think it's that Casper's doctor had sort of a contagious attitude. I wish you could meet this man. I wish he were my doctor, despite the technicality that he's never practiced medicine on a human before. He would cure me with caring. When he told us we'd have to give Casper injections, he made me believe I could do it. I mean, I've never given anyone, or anything, a shot before. And to practice on something that you can't explain yourself to...you can't tell him to be still, you can't tell him you're not trying to kill him so he should reconsider clamping down on your thumb with the same razor beak he just used to crush an almond...it was just a little scary. But Dr. Atlas gave me confidence. And today, when I did it, I felt like I'd just climbed Mt. Everest. And then I kinda felt like an idiot for being so excited about it and for becoming such an animal-hugging freak. I've been sort of waffling between those emotions ever since.


David Finlayson said...

If I had a bird like Casper...and I was told to go to Birmingham to do something invasive (expensive) to it...I would ask the doctor if the creature's sickness had something contageous - that is - could it be eaten. Then there's this huge birdcage thing in the kitchen. I'd then go to the pet store - or the jungle (where ever you get those huge white kitchen birds) and buy a new Casper...but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is very important for everyone to know that you didn't just drive an hour and a half to visit the bird. You also cooked the bird a meal and took it to him. Seriously? A small meal of peas and scrambled eggs W/ cheese. Delivered!?

Now I feel that I must admit my part in all these events. I helped cook the meal, and i convinced your mom to let you guys drive through the storm to retrieve him. Why? Because you people have turned me into "one of those damn people". -Chris

Kristie Ab said...

Liz, you told me you carried the bird some food, but I didn't know you cooked for him. Scrambled eggs? With Cheese!? Can I come live in a cage at your house? Your bird eats better than me!

LBC said...

Liz, you slept on the couch when Nibbler and her kittens stole your bedroom. I can't believe you didn't know you were already one of those animal people!

fleegan said...

you guys are amazing, and also better than me. because i wouldn't cross the street to help a bird. but i can kinda understand. i'd pro'ly spend money on Roxy. and she eats pretty well too.

David Finlayson said...

animal people?


more like

feathered friends

Patti's MomBlog said...

I had a bird for awhile when I lived downtown....I can't even remember his name anymore. Sighhh. I gave him away to a young girl from Russia who had just been adopted and moved to the USA. You're a good woman, Liz W!!!!