

Chris is kicking the camel. As in The Camel. As in soft-pack menthol filters. It is now Day 2.

Pray for him. Also, pray for me. If you've ever "been there" for someone who's detoxing, you'll know you should pray for me more. I kid. Sort of.

Jaimie, just so you know, that's why we didn't go bowling last night. We both really wanted to, and we both thought it would probably be a bad idea to subject him to a dozen chain-smoking Lutherans at this juncture.

Chris's mom gave him some Nicorette for Christmas, and he'd wanted to quit for a long time anyway. I was all for it because I want him to live a really long time, and because he has annoyingly expensive taste in cigarettes. Why can't he just be a Marlboro-smoking redneck like the rest of us? Anyway, we had the cruise coming up and that just wouldn't do, and then he had a particularly difficult group to deal with at work. While I'm sure there's no good time to quit, he thought things might calm down enough by this week to give him a little more of an edge.

Things don't ever really calm down, do they? I'm sure it could've been worse, but have you ever tried car-shopping and/or groveling for a bank loan while kicking a 12-year-old smoking habit? It sucks. Then again, so does blinking.


I'm Kris. said...

Best of. Help that is. I find in times that are trying that knitting is the best solution. If one is firey angry then you can have a fab-a-luss throw in the matter of 25 minutes....Constructive!!!

Just a silly. Hope it goes well. I know it is hard but so is paying taxes. It all earns the chest hair.

Blogger said...

Are you paying more than $5 / pack of cigs? I buy high quality cigs at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 70% from cigarettes.