

Laura invoked the tag (albeit a week ago). I am it.

By the way, happy Valentine's. If you're into that.

Four jobs I've had

1. Newspaper desk clerk/obituary writer
2. TV production studio writer/director/producer/editor/talent/grip/chode
3. Art museum graphic artist/receptionist/tech support/carpenter
4. Family business Girl Friday

I never was happy with just one hat.

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. The Fifth Element (Why do I love that movie? I really shouldn't. But oh, how I do.)
2. Any Jack Ryan movie (Um, except that one with Ben Affleck. Nothing wrong with it, just not the same.)
3. The Pelican Brief
4. Boondock Saints

Four places I have lived

This may strike some of you as sad, others as endearingly old-fashioned, but I don't move around a lot.

1. The trailer my family lived in when I was 3 months old
2. The house I lived in with my family (about 2 miles away from the trailer) from ages 1-23
3. The dorm room I where I sort of stayed my first semester in college
4. The downtown dreamplex

The dorm room wins the prize for Farthest Distance from Birthplace, coming in at a whopping 25 miles. It may be disqualified, however, since I'm not quite sure "having a place nearby to crash two nights a week" is the same as living there.

Four TV shows I love

I think I've mentioned that I go through TV phases in life. I'll go months forgetting that there is a thing called television which exists to entertain me. I kind of prefer these phases. I get a lot more done. Then there are other times, times like now, that when I sit down on the couch, I am compelled by some deep-seeded conditioning to turn on the TV and keep it on for the rest of the day. I don't even have to be watching it. It just has to be ON. I think there's a mind-controlling gnome in Chris's TV. I knew we should've used mine.

Anyway, even in times like these when I can't seem to have enough mind-numbing entertainment, I've never had a lot of regular shows. Sure, I'll get obsessed with one, maybe two shows at a time and that's cool. It doesn't cut into my schedule too bad. But it's funny you should ask about shows I love at this time in my life because I'm telling you, all of a sudden, there are millions. That's a slight exaggeration, but let me just say I'm hard-pressed to pick four. And for me, that seems like MILLIONS. I have chosen multi-genre representation as my method of selection.

1. Drama: Medium (Can Jake Weber be my TV boyfriend?)
2. Sci-Fi: Battlestar Galactica (If you're not already watching this, don't start. You'll sleep better.)
3. Comedy: Family Guy
4. Animated: Boondocks

I realize there's some overlap with the Comedy and Animated categories, but I rationalize it by saying that the fact that Family Guy is animated is itself a comedic device. And Boondocks, although funny, can certainly be appreciated from a purely aesthetic point of view.

Four TV shows I hear I should be watching, but as yet am not

I picked up this extra category from kottke.

1. Lost
2. Veronica Mars
3. American Idol (Could 37% of the viewing public be wrong?)
4. 24

I almost listed Six Feet Under, but I don't subscribe to HBO or Netflix, so I see myself as having insufficient opportunity to have brazenly ignored this one.

Four places I have vacationed

I choose to exclude cruise destinations, because I vacationed on the boat. The destinations were more like beer runs.

1. Santana Maya, Central Mexico
2. Savannah, Georgia
3. Chattanooga, Tennessee
4. Just about everywhere in Florida that's not a retirement community or the restricted area of an airforce base

Four of my favorite dishes

1. Chris's Greek chicken pitas with cucumber sauce
2. Santa Fe soup
3. Anything with noodles
4. Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper

Four sites I visit daily

1. www.google.com
2. www.fleegan.com
3. www.dooce.com
4. Any random combination of the other links you see to your right

Four places I would rather be right now

1. Camping at Horse Pens 40
2. Watching a really awesome meteor shower
3. In bed
4. Someplace where it still snows

Four people I am tagging



Anonymous said...

3. American Idol (Could 37% of the viewing public be wrong?)

Half the country voted for our current president, so yes - 37% of the viewing public can be quite wrong.

Or course, I think alot more people watch Idol than have ever voted, so it could be two completely different groups.

Cookie said...

I watch American Idol. I love crappy tv.

But if you *don't* watch Idol, last night you missed a very large, effeminate black man saying "My spirit... has been bah-roken." (I've said that all day)

Also, Liz?

Why didn't you TELL ME I'd sleep better not watching BSG BEFORE I started watching it.

Cheese-n-rice, lady!