
The Old Man

Have I mentioned that Chris's back has been suffering from The Pinched Nerve of Everlasting Torture? He's been walking around like an 80-year-old man for days. (See Jaimie? I totally bucked the temptation to use the word "octogenarian".) It was sometime last week that he came home from school with a backache and woke up the next day unable to even lift his arms. He went to my chiropractor, who predictably gave him the same doomsday speech she gave me. Only he must be worse off, because she gave him a bunch of cool stuff. He got some little electrode thingies to stick on his back and a neck pillow device that I don't know how to describe other than the fact that it looks like an S&M toy.

He'd been getting better, but when he woke up yesterday morning, the whole thing had started all over. It's like a leg cramp that starts to subside and then you move it the wrong way and that wave of pain rolls back over you again. Only this is taking longer. When I said school was killing him, I wasn't intending to be literal.

Jimmy and Jaimie came over last night and brought us Chinese food, and that was a cheerer-upper. We watched a silly movie on TBS and read our fortune cookie predictions aloud adding the phrase "in bed" at the end, which made us laugh that 12-year-old laugh that's reserved for jokes about bodily functions and unseemly anatomy. It was good times.


Cookie said...

I had that happen to me a few times. It hurts so bad. Oh, and "THE EVERYTHING" you do hurts it, too. Now if I feel the twinge I just stretch a lot and take walks.

This is my two cents:

The first voo-doo doctor visits only seem to make it better for a few hours, then the next day, it's almost like it's worse. Somewhere around visit 3 I'd wake up and feel much better.

Doc Lett will break you in half, but wow... he's awesome.

Bayer Back & Body. It? Is the bomb.

Tell Chris I hope he feels better.

woodlayson said...

Thanks, he does actually feel better. That second round didn't last as long as the first. I think I'll go get the Bayer stuff anyway, though.

Maybe he should go to Doc Lett. My chiropractor is too gentle. She's not big on the tough love thing.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I would nod off on my couch last night I would hear laughter..... I knew you guys were up to no good. Silly neighbors.